OTrack version 2.0.2 is available.
New features
- Application configuration
- Application language is now configurable by the user (French / English)
- Application style is now configurable by the user (Light / Dark)
- Timesheets module
- worked / billable hours are entered directly in hh:mm format
- possibilty to enter a billable time with a corresponding worked time of 00:00
- non billable time is automatically caculated from the worked and billable time fields
Other improvements and corrections
- Module titles are consistently displayed at the top left of the application window to make navigation easier
- Search filters on predefined periods (“Last 12 months”, “This year”, …) are automatically updated if the application remains active several days
- Clients and Projects modules: new activity type “Note”
- Client form: contact address can now be easily copied to billing address with the click of a button
- Invoices module: invoice items are now also retained when changing the client for an existing invoice. Similar invoices can thus be fully duplicated and reused for several clients
- Invoices: bank account information is now displayed on 2 lines instead of 3 (for new invoices)
- Payments and Timesheets modules: projects can now be filtered dynamically by typing a few characters of the project name
- Reconciliation report: new column “Project” available
- Various small bug corrections